Offering Local Same Day Delivery
Did you know SMC offers Local Same Day Delivery Service to Customers within a 25 mile radius from all of SMC’s 13 branches in Missouri and Kansas?
Online Ordering makes the ordering process faster but does it make availability of products you need better?
At SMC we realize that availability of products for your facility or operation is critical and can be costly to your business. SMC is proud to offer a Local Same Day Delivery Service to its customers so you have the products you need when and where you need them.
Using SMC’s 13 branch locations, we can deliver products that are in-stock and ordered before 11:00am CDT to your facility by 5:00PM CDT on the same day. If products are ordered after 11:00am CDT, they can be delivered by 12:00pm CDT the following day.
When your “line is down” nothing is worth more than having the products you need available for same day pickup or delivery. To learn more contact your local branch.