Save 30% on Learning+ Training Subscriptions

Offerings for on-demand, flexible employee training
Don't miss this opportunity to continue your learning with a Learning+ Training annual subscription when you register for the in-person or virtual Rockwell Automation Fair. We're offering over 25 of the most in-demand e-learning courses and unlimited access to scheduled virtual classroom sessions.
The skills gap is real, and it's only getting wider.
It's a shortage of skilled, trained people. It's the difference between what workers know how to do and what employers need.
3.4 million manufacturing jobs will need to be filled in the next decade. But up to 2 million of those likely won't be, presenting a serious challenge.
Rockwell's Learning+ Training subscriptions provide access to over 25 e-learning courses for self-paced learning and unlimited access to scheduled virtual classroom sessions. Our e-learning courses include fundamental and product-specific topics and contain activities, software simulations, and demonstration videos. Virtual classroom sessions include virtual lectures, lab demos, simulations, and videos.
Our e-learning courses include fundamental and product-specific topics delivered directly to your plant floor or location of your choice. Each learning module contains activities, software simulations, and demonstration videos to help reinforce learning concepts. There are 20+ courses across 6 automation technologies including motion, drives, control, visualization, and networking. New courses are being continually added.Virtual classroom sessions include modularized virtual lectures, lab experience demonstrations, simulations and demonstration videos.
Easy to access training is available on any tablet or PC using Chrome, Safari, IE, Edge, or Firefox. All content is narrated and has a viewable transcript.
Use the code 30%OFF for a 30% discount on a Learning+ Annual Subscription after registering for the 2021 Rockwell Automation Fair.*
Explore Learning+ Course Offerings
*Contact your local authorized distributor or purchase your subscription on the Rockwell Automation software portal. Must be redeemed by 1/15/22.