1746 SLC I/O to Compact 5000 I/O Conversion System

I/O conversion modules provide a fast and efficient method for converting 1746 SLC™ I/O to Compact 5000™ I/O. The I/O conversion is accomplished without removing any field wires from the existing terminal block, virtually removing the risk of wiring errors and reducing wiring/installation time. The existing removable terminal block fits directly into the new 1492 conversion modules. The cables are pre-wired and have a connector for the conversion module on one end and a removable terminal block (RTB) on the other end. The I/O signals are routed through the conversion module and the cable to the appropriate terminals on the Compact 5000 I/O module.
This I/O Conversion System Includes:
- Conversion Modules
- Conversion Chassis
- Upper Mounting Plate
- Lower Mounting Plate
- Chassis Mounting Hardware
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