Indoor Air Quality Testing

Indoor Air Quality Testing


In today's manufacturing world, we know you're juggling a lot: keeping production humming, meeting deadlines, and most importantly, ensuring your team goes home safe and healthy. But there's a silent threat that can impact all those things: poor air quality. Many essential manufacturing processes generate byproducts like gases, fumes, dust, and ash that can seriously harm your workers if not properly managed.

Trust SMC to evaluate your air quality, and keep your employees safe from risks you can't see.

Testing Offered:

  • Baseline (general) VOC scan
  • Total/Respirable Dust Collection

OR Combine for savings!

What to Expect:

1. SMC safety experts will arrive on-site at your facilities to train your staff on using the wearable test equipment.

Put the testing equipment on, forget about it, and turn it in 8 hours later.

2. After testing concludes, SMC will send the sample to an AIHA-accredited laboratory.

3. Following the lab analysis, you will receive a thorough report of all findings at your site(s).

    Contact us to request more information.
    Indoor Air Testing